Missed Appointments

Protocol for Patients who do not attend appointments (DNA)

A did not attend (DNA) situation is when a patient does not turn up for a booked appointment and does not contact the surgery in advance to cancel or change the appointment. This results in an increase in the waiting time for appointments, frustration for staff and patients and a waste of resources.

The DNA policy will be administered by the Admin team.

1. If a patient does not attend a first booked appointment without cancelling, an informal letter will be sent to the patient advising them of the DNA policy. If patients cancel without 1 hour of notice, this will be considered to be a DNA.

2. If a patient fails to attend a second booked appointment within 1 year of the above, a further letter will be sent to the patient advising them that a further occurrence could risk removal from the Practice.

3. If a patient fails to attend a further appointment, the patient will be removed from the Practice list and will need to register with another surgery.

DNA letters are valid for a period of 12 months.